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Christmas' joke for geologists!

Today is “bring your family at work” day 👪 and Hadrien, DeepLime’s geologist ⛏️ came at work with his 4-year-old niece Jackie. 👧 Little Jackie has a school problem 🏫 and decides to ask around for help, she just had no idea it would be trickier than expected… 👻
Jackie: Hey Hadrien, how much is 2 + 2?
Hadrien: Well… considering the U235 decay rate since the Mesozoic era… I’d say it is about 4 +/- 0.0000000001.
Little Jackie is a bit puzzled ❓ so she decides to ask Fabien, DeepLime’s IT.
Jackie: Hey Fabien, how much is 2 + 2?
Fabien: Well, well… 2 is 10 in binary, so 2 + 2 is 10 + 10 in binary, yielding 100 right? Which means it is equal to 4.
Jackie is a bit puzzled by this explanation 🤔 so she decides to ask Claude, DeepLime’s AI expert.
Jackie: Hey Claude, how much is 2 + 2?
Claude: Easy-peasy, I trained a deep neural net for you, just 4 layers-deep with 20000 fully connected neurons 🧠 . The answer is unequivocal, there is a 99.99% chance to be 40000000 e-07.
😵 Jackie’s head is spinning, so she turns to Romain, DeepLime’s web developer:
Jackie: Hey Romain, how much is 2 + 2?
Romain: Wait up, let me just deploy a small app for you, just connect to 2plus2.
🤯 helpless, Jackie goes to see DeepLime’s commercial director:
Jackie: Hey, how much is 2 + 2?
Commercial Director: Hmmm… how much do you want? 💰
Fortunately, we don’t have such commercial director: when you contact us, you directly talk to the technical guys.
How much resources are there in your mine site? We can’t give a number and neither should you: let the data, the sciences and your expertise speak for themselves.